Information of Technology

Information of Technology


1.What is the meaning of computer language ?

language that communicates A computer language is an artificial instructions to computers. It controls the behaviour of a computer.

2.What is Java?

‘Java’ is a programming language that has very few implementation dependencies. Once written, it can run anywhere. It is the most popular computer language. Get & Medy Java, Visual Basic Patarpratad compiled GRASE BASIC, ECOBOL interpret Source LOC W Ted editor Text SOLICE Source code Sec.

3.What does a compiler do ?

A compiler translates a computer program written in a human- readable computer language into a form, that a computer can execute. Bytecode Run OS Dyfecade US SOUS Mac terpreter.

technology information


1.What is authentication?

Authentication in a digital setting is a process whereby the receiver of digital message can be confident the identity of the sender and about the integrity of the message.

2.Are digital signature similar to handwritten signatures ?

Information of Technology Digital signature can’t be So, these play a function for Digital Sign documents similar to what hand written signatures play for prate documents.

3.What is the need of firewall ?

All networks need firewalls to protect a private computer network or central system from hacker intrusion through Internet.

technology information


1.What is a virus?

A virus is a piece of software designed of itself and spread from location to and written to make additional copies location without user’s knowledge or permission A Trojan Horse Was Found! Computer Virus.

2.How do Trojan Horses damage your computer?

The Trojan Horse claims to be a game, but instead, it does damage to your computer when you run it. It may even erase your hard disk. This virus can install spyware in the computer.

3.How many viruses have been found?

More than 20,000 viruses have been identified, and 250 new ones are created every month, according to the International Computer Security Association.

technology information


1.Which country has the most number of telephone lines?

HOW mer the rol list with 1.1 million mobile phones China with 269 million phone lines, stands at the top List India comes 9th with almost 31 million phones When it comes to mobile phones hina again topiste with 1.2 billion mobile phones.

2.What is Semaphoreline?

A Semaphore line is a system of conveying information through visual signals. It was invented by Calude Chappe in 1792 in France and was used before electric telegraph. Semophore Line.

3.How does a mobile phoneWork?

A mobile phone converts your voice into electrical signal which is transmitted as radio waves and is converted back into sound in the receiver’s phone. Cellular Phones.

technology information


1.How does an electric motor create motion?

The month and South ends attract and As magnets to create motion pel each other. These attracting and eeling forces create otational motion.

2.What does a lightning conductor work?

Lightning conductor device protects a tall building from lightning strikes, by providing an easier path for the current to flow to the Earth, than through the building. Lightning Conductor Protection.

3.How does a fuel cell operate?

A fuel cell operates like a battery. A fuel cell consists of two electrodes sandwiched around an electrolyte. Oxygen passes over one electrode and hydrogen over the other, generating electricity, water and heat.

technology information


1.How does a simple machine pulley work?

The applied motive force effectively. A single The main function of pulley system is to change Iwo or more pulleys we gain a echanical pulley helps to lift a weight but when we come advantage’ and the job gets much easier in Machine Pulley.

2.What do gear Wheels do in bicycles?

Bicycles have gear wheels fitted into slots in a chain. When two gears mesh together wheel turns and the chain pulls the other gear wheel in the same direction Wheel Bicycles.

3.Why does a Spring Spring?

When we pull one end of a spring, it stores energy within it. When we leave it, then it springs with full stored force.

technology information


1.How can a car engine turn the wheel of a car forward?

Cor Engine The car engine converts the chemical energy available in fuel into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy moves pistons needed to turn the wheels of a car forward, up and down inside cylinders. This creates the rotary motion.

2.What does compression lead to?

Rudolf Diesel theorized that higher compression leads to higher efficiency and more power. This happens because when the piston squeezes air with the cylinder, the air becomes concentrated. When air molecules are packed so close together, fuel has a etter chance of reacting with as many oxygen molecules as possible.

3.Can biodiesel be an alternative to conventional fuel?

Biodiesel is an alternative or additivet Diesel Engine diesel fuel that can be used in diesel engi with little to no modifications to the engines themselves.

technology information


1.How does a digger machine dig?

Adiging machine comprises of a lifting device associated eramine a Mini Ologer con with a digging tool. It is able to lift the material produced by the excavation, carrying it from the level
which it is produced to a height with respect to the ground.

2.which is the world’s biggest truck ?

T 282 from Liebherr Is A HN mining truck Il can carry about 400 tons at 64 km/h This is an unconventional truck. It has a 2723 kilowatt diesel engine which powers How dir World’s Biggest Truck two electric motors. When empty it weighs 224 tons.

3.Is true Seaplane a plane ?

True seaplane is a powered fixed wing aircraft capable of taking off and landing on water. Some seaplanes are capable of taking off and landing on land as well as water. They are called amphibian aircrafts.

technology information


1.How do electron microscopes examine an object?

Electron microscopes are scientific instruments that use a beam of highly energetic elections to examine objects on a very fine scale Electron microscopes use a focused beam of electrons that magnify images up to 200,000 times.

2.Does digital camera record pictures ?

A digital camera records pictures as small blocks of light called pixels that is a digital code.

3.How is a laser light different from any other light?

Laser light is different from any other light as it travels in straight lines and stays in a small beam instead of spreading out like regular light.

technology information


1.How does mercury line goes up and down in a barometer scale?

The barometer works by balancing the weight of mercury in the glass tube against the atmospheric pressure just like a set of
Botomele sale pressure, the mercury level in the glass tube rises. scales. If the weight of mercury is less than the tmosphere Thermometer 36.89

2.What does a thermometer measure?

A thermometer is a device that measures a temperature of things. We can measure the temperature outside and inside of a house by usingil.

3.What is an anemometer?

An anemometer is a meteorological device that is used to measure wind velocity. Laser Doppler and ultrasonic anemometers are high
tech and very accurate. Laser Doppler anemometers measure wind speed by detecting how much of the light from a laser beam has
been reflected off of the moving air particles.

technology information


1.How does a vacuum cleaner Work?

Vacuum cleaner has an electric motor that drives a out of the cleaner so that the pressure of the lant. When you switch it on, the lan lorCOS some air atmosphere around the cleaner is higher than the pressure inside it.

2.HOW was the electric light bulb invented?

Vacuum Cleaner When electricity tried to travel along a bad conductor the latter would resist so much that it glowed until it became white hot. Edison then carried out this experiment inside a glass bulb from which he had removed all the air and thus, the first electric bulb was invented. Electric
Light Bulb

3.What funny thing happened to Percy Spencer?

While working Percy Spencer found that micro waves had melted a chocolate bar which was in his pocket. He then, realized that these waves Microwave could be used to cook food too. In 1946, the first microwave oven was developed and in 1955, commercial ones appeared.

technology information


1.How does dish washer wash dishes?

A dish washer first fills itself with water then heats the water to an appropriate temperature. It then automatically opens the detergent dispenser at the right time, shoot the water through jets to get the dishes clean. It drains the dirty water and Dish Washer rinses the dishes by spraying fresh water on them. It drains who itself again and heats the air to dry the dishes off.

2.How does a microwave help in the kitchen?

Electricity travels through the power cord and enters the
microwave oven through a series of fuse and safety protection circuits. It raises the temperature to a shockingly high amount of approximately 3000 volts. When the door is opened or the timer reaches zero, the microwave energy stops-just as turning off a light switch stops the glow of the bulb.

technology information


1.How does Sound travel in different mediums ?

Sound Travel In general, sound travels fastest through solids, slightly less fast through liquids and slowest through gases. This is because of the difference in distance between the molecules in solids, liquids and gases.

2.Why is it difficult to hear underwater?

Sound travels almost 4.3 times faster in water than in air, but it is difficult to hear underwater because bone conductivity which is used to hear under water is 40% less effective than in air. Also our ears fill up with water and our eardrums can’t vibrate properly.

3.what happens to our vision underwater ?

The refractive index of water is different to that of air. However water’s refractive index is similar to that of cornea’s.
Because of this, the cornea can’t focus properly and the image is formed much behind retina.

technology information


1.How does a calculator work?

A calculator’s buttons are connected to sensors that send electric signals to the circuit inside them, logical framework for solving problems How ar jodu induro > that consists of transistors. These transistors then build then based.

2.How does an air conditioner Cool us?

liquid like the Freon gas. The cooling liquid evaporates in An air conditioner plant includes a compressor and a com the cooling coil. This vapour is Hon Air Conditioner then carried to the electronics compressor and transferred to the condenser where it is cooled by air or water as it passes through the radiator. A fan sends fresh air into the room which maintains the temperature of the room at the desired level.

3.How does a digital clock work?

A digital consists of crystal oscillator. It provides stable square waves which are measured by digital integrated circuits to increment seconds, minutes and hours, which are shown on LCD or LED display,

technology information


1.How are computers important to us ?

Computers follow a set of enables them to do calculations instructions called a program that based on information fed into them. This process produces a desired result. A computer can be given a wide variety of tasks to perform. Computer

2.How does a computer mouse work?

The mouse has two functions: to move the insertion point and to give commands to the computer. When the mouse moves on the pad, an electronic code representing the movement of the ball travels by cable to the computer box. A microprocessor uses this code to move a cursor called a pointer in the same way as the mouse move. Mouse

3.What is a microprocessor?

Microprocessor is known as the brain of the computer. It contains a number of tiny chips made of the mineral silicon, onto which thousands of microscopic electronic components have been etched.

technology information


1.Does ECG read your heart?

The ten electrodes of the ECG machines it. It takes less than ive minutes, machine delect the electrical impulse generated by ou and transmit them to it. Then, machine produces a ga

2.How does a CT Scanner Work?

developed a Computerized Tomography In 1972, British Scientist Godfrey House scanner lo lake of the inside of body CT Scan uses ay and computerization to look at body parts in slices. These slices e taken at specified thicknesses, illuminating structures within that section of the body.

3.How do X-rays work on our body?

X-rays were found to be able to penetrate through materials of light atoms like flesh. A filter near the X-ray source blocks the low energy rays so only the high energy rays pass a type of metal and it, helps the technician to take the through a patient toward a sheet of film. Calcium in bones is picture and an X-ray is developed to detect the problem.

technology information